Saturday, August 1, 2009


Hi to everyone who looks at my blog! After months of being a delinquent poster, I'm taking a few extra minutes this morning to do a very, VERY brief update!

This summer has been rainy, busy, inspiring and tiring. I'm sure it's a similar story for all y'all out there. For emmalinedesigns, the biggest adventure has been my first two showings at the Boston South End Open Market. Yes, I finally set up my wares and sold straight to the public. It's quite a lot of logistical planning to essentially build a boutique in an hour and then break it down 6 hours later! It has been a success in that I'm learning a lot about what people want to buy (things that are pink. aprons. cookies) and how they like to shop. Great experiences!

However, my total sales have not met my goals so that is a bummer. But practice makes perfect so I have to get back up on that horse and try again! I know I will for sure be showing at a 2 day event in September, but more on that later. In the meantime, a few photos to sate your curiosity!

And, as always, thank you for your love & support of my little venture.