Monday, May 18, 2009

Crazy Blogger

Hi friends! Inspired by a wonderful Monday evening in which I was given a chance to teach a yoga class I have started another little blog! I have had the idea for quite some time to integrate my love of yoga with my love of knitting. I'm not yet sure how it will all pan out, but I know that I want to generate something with the name YogaKnits. And I could hardly believe that the email account, Etsy shop and blogspot address were all available! Talk about kismet. The moment I got home from yoga tonight I snagged all three entities and it feels awesome.

I also have fiber happenings to report, of course. Last weekend, on May 9th, I went to the Hudson River Valley for a sheep shearing! The Martha's Vineyard Fiber Farm is a wonderful venture that offers knitters a chance to participate in the fiber fun by purchasing a share of wool in the form of roving or spun yarn. I honestly don't know as much about this as some of my friends, but I do know that the idea is to follow the tenets of Community Supported Agriculture, the types of food collectives that have sprung up around the country to help connect people to the farms that supply our sustenance. I have long been a huge fan of gardening, organics, and the Slow Food movement. This awesome fiber farm fits right in to the bigger picture of building a healthy and satisfying relationship with our precious natural environment.

But it's not just all philosophy, it is downright fun! I loved the pastoral setting of the farm and thoroughly enjoyed the potluck, live entertainment, wool dying demonstration, sheep nursery, drop spindle spinnning, and all-around friendly, fibery vibe of the day.

Hopefully you can tell from the photos and smiling faces that this is one fantastic way to spend a Saturday afternoon. Can't wait to see everyone join the fun next year!

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